Equestrian Mary King Wins Rolex Championships

Five time Olympian Mary King gave two impressive shows at the Rolex Championships in Lexington and walked away with first and second... [read more]

Flooding in Oklahoma Prompts Rescue of Horses

Firefighters used the Jaws of Life to cut a fence and save a couple of horses stranded by rising flood... [read more]

Hall of Fame Racehorse Dies at 17

Skip Away, three time Eclipse Winner and Horse of the Year, died in his paddock of an apparent heart... [read more]

Tiniest Foal Ever Weighs in at 6lbs

Everyone knows babies are adorable but this miniature stallion could make kittens look... [read more]

A Day in the Life of a Groom

Check out how a professional racehorse groom spends his... [read more]